Wednesday, February 23, 2011

saie saie

ney adaLah saie <3
saie sangadd sukaa syisya . if beby kuwa comfrim akann syisya .
beby sukaa sangadd . waLaupunn orangg ckapp bende ney Lagy terox dary rokok nakk buadd mcm manehh , ituu jea beby mampu buadd .
beby tanakk merokok . takk sedapp kann .
beby sukaaa SYISYA . 
sape<2 yangg sukaa too , come join me too . HAHA .
ajar orangg pulax .

Thursday, February 17, 2011

exam exam exam ^_^

 omg ! exam ? aduyy , mcm manehh ney .
diz year is ESEI year . WTF ! i can't doo itt .
 i'm noyt readyy yet Laaaaa . takpetakpe . kuadd kann semangat ! yahooo !!
todayy nakk cerite bouwt my exam .
 todayy exam bm , sj andd seny .
bm - susa sikyt , seny - boLey Lhaa , sj - SUSA GILE !
 sejarah is susah thenn ever sbb kene buadd "esei" .
sumpaa takk rety koydd . nakk kene huraikann Lhaa , ituu Lhaa , iney Lhaa .
 mcham manehh ney ! heLp me !
give me some tips ? beby akann try my best untukk buadd exam !
 wish me Luck ! give me aLL ur support kayh ;)
iloveyouuguyss <3

Monday, February 14, 2011

kataa haty .

 kenapee hedop beby mcm takk berMAKNE ? kenapee ewkk ?
kenapee famiLy beby takk KESAH bout beby ? kenapee ?
 kenapee kawan kawan sanggup tikam bLakangg kawan SENDIRY ? kenapee ?
kenape semua ney terjady andd beLakuu at diry sendiry andd diry BEBY ?
 apew saLah beby terhadapp deaorangg ? apew ?
boLeh beby tauu takk , kenapee famiLy beby anggap beby mcm orangg asing jea ?
 kenapee deaorangg takk peduLykann beby ? kenapee deaorang sindir beby ? kenape kenape ?
kenapee beby yangg kene tempuh ? kenapee ?
 kenapee deaorangg sanggup buadd beby mcham ney ? kenapee hedop beby TERHINE ?

kaLo beby adee buadd saLah dekadd sesape , beby byakk byakk mintax maap dary ujong rmbut smpay ujong rmbut beby .
 seLagy beby hedop , beby sentiase maapkan semua orangg . beby takk pernahh simpan .
simpan Lama<2 nanty diry sendiry sakedd . betoL kann ?
 harap padhe sesiape yangg beby buadd siLap dapat maapkan beby .
beby tanakk beby jadyy mcm . . . . . . .
 pLease maapkan beby yea ? 

kawann kawann

 todayy beby nakk storyy boud kawan kawan .
beby sedeyh sangad biLe takde kawan kawan , yew Lhaa . tanpe kawan kite takk bergerakk jugakk .
 nakk tauu takk ? beby kann now dahh pindahh skuwL baruu .
kawan kawan Lame at ckuwL Lame now semua sombong<2 beLake oohh .
 nakk kate beby Lupa deaorang , beby contact . nakk kate beby takk WTW beby WTW jea tapy takk repLy .
sedeyhh koydd . korangg kate kawan sampay biLe<2 even kytew dahh jaohh , even pindahh .
 okayyokayy beby takk kesaa if korangg nakk buadd beby mcm ney .
redho sajee koydd . takpetakpe . beby fahamm .
 takpeLhaa , yangg penting . beby happy dpat kawan dengannn korangg semuaa .
 biLaa dpatt hangg ngann korangg ewkk . papew contact Lhaa beby awien neyy .
ituu punn's if korangg iegad numb saie .

 kawannn kawann , SAIE SAYANGGG ANDA SEMUA <3

Friday, February 11, 2011

penaddd penaddd .

 todayy penadd sangad sangadd oohh . sumpaahhh takk tipuuu .
kebeLakangan ney , beby tydoe Lmbat sangadd cbb HW BERGANDE<2 .
 wahhh wahh , tetybe taon ney baek gilee koydd .
takpetakpe , taon ney adaLhaa taon utkk ctudyy GILE<2 Lagy<2 nakk amex aLirann susahh kann kn kn /
 if orangg ckapp beby sombonx , iLang diry o else .
sokeyh , beby takk kecaa Lhaa deaorangg nakk ckapp apew kann .
 janjy , beby nakk capay my IMPIAN , CITA<2 .

Monday, February 7, 2011

best best best

  yaw yaw , nakk tauu takk ? tarikh ney paLeng THE BEST EVER that i ever had .
thiz date time beby andd kengkawang buadd meet upp BOO CREW andd also our birthdayy partyy .
 OMG ! tyme birthdayy ney , beby dahh bagytauu boss awaL<2 bout itt .
rupa<2 nyee kiteorangg dahh VVIP wokk .

 dtang<2 jea tabLe dahh reserved . gempak sEyh !
thenn , tunggu Lhaa kawan<2 beby yangg beby sayangg too . adee yangg awaL andd adee yangg Lmbat .

 most i want too tenccx to ME , LIA , ABBIE andd the other too come .
reaLLy besch . time too jugakk my haty punn BEST ! 
 dpat cake suapp by my sayangg MELISSA <3 , HEKO .
4 sape yangg dtangg hary too , even baruu kenaL o dahh kenaL Lame beby nakk ckapp

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

badd dream . SCARYY =(

 todayy 3Feb 2011 , beby dapat mmpi yangg sangad teramat takodd .
nakk terjage dary mmpy punn takk boLeyy .
 sumpahh takoddd giLee vavyykk doewh .
nakk tauu kea ? come come here my story .

 mimpy ney mainan mmpy kite tapy kadang<2 adee juga bagy maksodd kann ?
oke , pkowL brape takk iegad tapy sedar<2 pkowL 5 Lebeyy mcam too kayhh .
 mimpy ney beLakuu at area rumaa beby jugakk .
beby mimpy adee orangg tido at asrama rumaa beby too at biLik beLakangg no tak tauu yangg pasty at bLakang .
 in that ro0m dea sorang<2 dea nakk tuka channeL tV tapy tV too tetibe kLuar gmbar gereje andd gereje too tengah bace khutbahh dea aow .
 thenn , biLik too jadyy geLapp sangadd . dea menjerit<2 kLuar dary biLik .
beby andd pamiLy keLuar rumaa tengox dea , dea menangis<2 andd menjerit<2 seumpama adew bende depann dea .
 pamiLy caLL ustaz , ustaz dtangg masok biLik too .
dea check check andd bace bace , thenn , ustaz too jmpe KAPAK andd HOLY bawah katiL .
 suare gereje too maken Lame maken dekadd . after that beby teros terjagee .
teros demam ouke .

 if sape<2 tauu maksudd dea bagytauu beby ea ? tenccx .
that is my storyy . my first scary dreammmm =(